Thursday, September 27, 2012

Shutter and Aperture

Assignment Title: Shutter and Aperture

Assignment Description: For this assignment we had to take 8 photos that used shutter speed and aperture. We had to use different shutter speeds and different f stops in order to compose our photos.

Photo Description:
Aperture=Exit sign
Shutter Speed=Drinking fountain

I learned that shutter speed and aperture are very important to a photo's exposure. I also learned that aperture is the size of the opening in your camera when you take a picture. It is measured in f-stops which either doubles or halves the opening in the lens of your camera. I learned that shutter speed is what makes it possible to get good action shots such as an athlete playing a sport or a car going by.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Composition Assignment 1

Assignment Title: Composition Assignment 1

Assignment Description: We had to take pictures that showed depth of field, lines, texture, symmetry, pattern, and rule of thirds.

Photo Descriptions:
Flowers=depth of field
Highschool commons=lines
Tree bark=texture
Sun through windows=pattern
Geese=rule of thirds

This assignment taught me that taking a good photograph requires more than I thought it did. I also learned some ways to compose a good photo. I found depth of field to be my favorite because some of the pictures looked really cool.